Clergy and Staff


The Rev. John B. (Jack) Hardaway, IV
Parish Rector
The Rev. John B. (Jack) Hardaway, IV

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.  He served as rector of St. Paul’s, Fort Mill, South Carolina, from 1997 to 2004 and prior to that he served as assistant to the rector at St. Peter’s in Greenville, South Carolina.  A lifelong Episcopalian, Fr. Jack was brought up in St. James’ in Greenville.  He graduated from the Virginia Theological Seminary in 1995. He’s a past dean of the Foothills Convocation and has served in many diocesan capacities, including the Diocesan Executive Council and the bishop Search committee. His wife, Susan, is also a graduate of VTS, and serves as rector of St. George Episcopal Church in Anderson. They have three grown children who are out and about doing interesting things.

The Rev. Deacon Mary Jeffers
The Rev. Deacon Mary Jeffers

Deacon Mary has been actively serving at Grace Church for nearly ten years, and serving as Deacon to our parish since her ordination in January of 2014.  She works tirelessly to bring our parish together, and to be of service each and every day within the Grace community as well as with the chronically underserved in Anderson and beyond. She is most active with the Outreach Committee, Pastoral Care Committee, and is the founder of our Mental Wellness Group.


Sharon George
Sharon Dorsey
Family, Youth, and Children’s Coordinator
Nikki Price
Nikki Price
Parish Secretary
Gail Carnes
Gail Carnes
Parish Bookkeeper
Steve Grant
Steve Grant