Waking Up

Jack Hardaway ] You ever have trouble sleeping? In the night, when we should be asleep, what is it that keeps us awake? What runs through our minds? What are the worries and preoccupations, all those details that make us burn the midnight oil? Until we fall asleep, our minds worn ragged. My grandmother used […]

Going To School

Jack Hardaway ] When love is easy it is so easy. When love is hard it is so hard. It is the stuff of songs, and poetry, and story, and dance, and art. It is the hard wood of the cross, and the soft flesh Jesus, nailed together, bleeding and splintered. We are students of […]

Keep Awake

Have you ever met a true entrepreneur? I’ve only met a few. They are always up to something, always extending and overextending, juggling liquid and solid assets. You are never really sure if they are really wealthy or so broke, so in debt, that they seem to defy the laws of physics. They start up, […]



In my dreams I can fly. I usually start out flapping my arms, just skimming the ground and then I catch the wind and swoop up through the trees and then I usually get tangled in the power lines… It’s my favorite dream, especially when I avoid the entanglement part and make it up, up […]