The Great Storm

Lights in the Dark

Jack Hardaway ] It was a dark and stormy night. A cliché. A melodramatic opening sentence. I grew up seeing Snoopy on his dog house with a type writer, using this turn of phrase, over and over. The weather without echoing with the thunder of the weather within. Ominous and foreboding symbolic action. But that […]

Good Dirt

Jack Hardaway ] One of my favorite all time bands over the years has been The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. I enjoy them as much for their name as for their music. The Nitty. Gritty. Dirt. Band. Their first greatest hit collection is called 20 Years of Dirt. I love that title! Their second greatest […]

Falling Into Grace

Jack Hardaway ] Falling from grace. That turn of phrase, falling from grace, it carries a whole bunch of baggage. Falling from grace, originally it was a reference to Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the garden, choosing to elevate themselves in God’s place rather than being in communion with the Holy One. The turn of […]

What Connects Us

Jack Hardaway ] Ladders are curious things They look funny. They are awkward. We all have funny and sad stories involving incidents and accidents with ladders. Our electricians had to get a special ladder to reach the lights here in the nave. I have to laugh whenever I see them carry it into the building, […]

What Connects Us

Ladders are curious things They look funny. They are awkward. We all have funny and sad stories involving incidents and accidents with ladders. Our electricians had to get a special ladder to reach the lights here in the nave. I have to laugh whenever I see them carry it into the building, it takes at […]