Sometimes You Just Gotta Sing 🎶

Jack Hardaway } Sheeruh la Yahweh keeg gao gaa sus maro ka voe va yom. Sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously; horse and rider he has thrown into the sea. Moses’ older sister, Miriam, who pulled baby Moses from the water and tricked Pharaoh’s daughter into caring for him, this is her […]

Just Walk On In

Family Tree

Jack Hardaway } Have you ever walked into the wrong house? I did that once (that I remember). It was at the beach. All the houses looked the same. I was having fun on the beach and walked back to the house. I just walked on in– to the wrong one. I was standing in […]

Barefoot and Holy

Blazing Bush

Jack Hardaway } Take your shoes off and leave them at the door. I was a child and a new family moved into the neighborhood, with children. When we came over to play we had to take our shoes off. The shoes were all lined up at the door. Which was fine, we didn’t even […]

Crazy, Sneaky, Funny

Jack Hardaway } The taste of freedom. That breath of fresh air. That moment where confinement ends. You know what I mean. Like getting out of a bad job. Or a bad relationship. Or toxic religion. The cessation of pain, fear and abuse. The taste and feel of that moment. The feeling and taste of […]

Hope Arrives


Jack Hardaway ] We all hope for things. Advent is the season of hope. Along with faith and love, hope is one of three things that abide, according to the Apostle Paul. More specifically Advent is about what gives us hope. What gives us hope? We had a wedding here last night, weddings give me […]



Jack Hardaway ] All the desserts for Thanksgiving are on the side table, apple pie, cherry pie, lemon meringue, pecan pie, chocolate cake. Glory, glory! One of the children in his excitement leans against the table, and the table leaf gives way and suddenly folds down, and all the pies and the cake plop upside […]

Like Nothing Else

Trinity Sunday

Jack Hardaway ] The problem with the Trinity is also it’s great beauty, it isn’t like anything else. Words fail. Analogies crash and burn. Comparisons collapse. The doctrine of the Trinity is really a teaching about not being able to teach. Staring into the infinite distance and slowly growing silent and still. So many people […]

Just Walk On In


Have you ever walked into the wrong house? I did that once (that I remember). It was at the beach. All the houses looked the same. I was having fun on the beach and walked back to the house. I just walked on in– to the wrong one. I was standing in a living room […]

Water in a Dry Place

(GAVEL SOUNDS…) I call this court to order. The case of the Israelites vs. the Lord will now be heard. The question before us, “Is the Lord among us or not?” The plaintiff claims that they have been brought out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, to die of thirst in the wilderness.” […]

Child of God

“Now Jack, remember who you are.” I’ve spoken many times about my grandmother, and her frequent reminders for me to remember. Clearly, I was very forgetful. When I was older, and was ordained as a priest she would still be aghast at my continued forgetfulness, my general sassiness. Except now the reminder became, “Jack, remember […]


“Well I love a rainy night; I love a rainy night. I love to hear the thunder; watch the lightning when it lights up the sky. You know it makes me feel good. Well, I love a rainy night; it’s such a beautiful sight. I love to feel the rain on my face; taste the […]

The Day is Near

“As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.” October 30th, 1978 WKRP in Cincinnati, the old TV sitcom. The infamous “Turkey Drop Episode.” I was ten years old. The whole world laughed. It was a great day. If you haven’t seen it or don’t remember, look it up. A radio station decides to […]

Into the Sea

Credit cards. They can be tricky. You know how those credit limits just keep going up. Ran mine way up, lost track of it. I ran it up to oh..about…5 or 6 billion dollars. Needless to say I couldn’t pay it, the credit collection agencies got kind of bloodthirsty, then there was this big surprise, […]

Holy Ground

We all know someone like him. Who has everything. Who is gifted. Who has all the advantages. Everything is going for him. A bright future full of promise but who despite it all throws it away. Moses. Moses was a murderer. A life of privilege and miraculous rescue, yet he committed murder. It was an […]

From the Snare

I once rode a bus across the Rift Valley of East Africa. Though, I didn’t get to see much. The bus was literally packed three layers high with occupants. We road from Nairobi to Lake Victoria. By the time we arrived I was in pretty bad shape. It only took about six hours, but it […]