Waiting and Waiting

Jack Hardaway ] Waiting and waiting and waiting. What do we do while waiting? It can depend on just what we are waiting for. Waiting for an oil change is different than waiting for surgery. Waiting for a paycheck is different than waiting to give birth. Waiting for a court date is different than waiting […]

Sharing the Miracle

Grace Church

Credit cards. They can be tricky. You know how those credit limits just keep going up. Ran mine way up, lost track of it. I ran it up to oh..about…5 or 6 billion dollars. Needless to say I couldn’t pay it, the credit collection agencies got kind of blood thirsty, then there was this big […]

See – Easter Sunday

I love going to see. That whole experience of going to see something or someone. Going to see fireworks, the eclipse, a friend, the latest Star Wars movie with the Grace Youth Group. So many favorite moments are just that, going to see. Then there are harder moments of going to see. Someone who I […]


We’ve been hearing a great deal about believing, and belief the past few weeks from the Gospel according to John. Today we turn the pages back to Matthew, and for Matthew it isn’t so much about belief as it is about fulfillment, the fulfillment of Scripture, the fulfillment of what has been spoken. Jesus finally […]

Water in a Dry Place

(GAVEL SOUNDS…) I call this court to order. The case of the Israelites vs. the Lord will now be heard. The question before us, “Is the Lord among us or not?” The plaintiff claims that they have been brought out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, to die of thirst in the wilderness.” […]

Child of God

“Now Jack, remember who you are.” I’ve spoken many times about my grandmother, and her frequent reminders for me to remember. Clearly, I was very forgetful. When I was older, and was ordained as a priest she would still be aghast at my continued forgetfulness, my general sassiness. Except now the reminder became, “Jack, remember […]

Do I Have Your Attention Yet?

I love old china plates and patterns. So does Susan, my wife. We both come from families with generations of accumulated, and mixed china patterns. Full sets, partial sets, small sets, single pieces. The bottom line, our house has stacks and stacks of china, filling the place up. They are beautiful, the patterns that endure, […]

God’s Stubborness

There is scripture and then there is scripture. There are the words and images that we all share in and then there are the words and images that we have a more personal credence too. Sometimes, often, the two overlap. I have known many people who have what can be called an “expanded Bible” to […]