The Day is Near

“As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.” October 30th, 1978 WKRP in Cincinnati, the old TV sitcom. The infamous “Turkey Drop Episode.” I was ten years old. The whole world laughed. It was a great day. If you haven’t seen it or don’t remember, look it up. A radio station decides to […]
Finding Jesus

Where do we find Jesus? The Wise Men had it easy. They only had to travel a great distance, follow a star and avoid the evil clutches of King Herod. Now the disciples didn’t have to find Jesus, Jesus found them. Then Jesus found them again, leaving the tomb to search them out. They couldn’t […]
Keep Awake
Have you ever met a true entrepreneur? I’ve only met a few. They are always up to something, always extending and overextending, juggling liquid and solid assets. You are never really sure if they are really wealthy or so broke, so in debt, that they seem to defy the laws of physics. They start up, […]

In my dreams I can fly. I usually start out flapping my arms, just skimming the ground and then I catch the wind and swoop up through the trees and then I usually get tangled in the power lines… It’s my favorite dream, especially when I avoid the entanglement part and make it up, up […]
The Mountaintop

I love stories that end happily ever after. The hero rides off into the sunset. Where everything gets resolved, the questions answered, the mystery solved, what was broke gets fixed, there is resolution. But I also love the story of Moses, and his story is none of those things. It does not have a conventional […]
Your People

YOUR PEOPLE Moses and God. God and Moses. They argued. A lot. Like an old married couple. They argue about us, their children. To whom do we belong? “Look what your people are doing!” they each said pointing at each other. Your people! No, your people! We revel before the idol, the golden calf, forged […]
You’re Hired!
You know those old cars. Not the antique ones that are all prettied up, but the old ones that you can hear coming. They have their own particular rattle and rumble that you learn to recognize. Here comes that old pick up with a faded pizza sign stuck on the roof, rattle, rattle, rumble, rumble. […]
Into the Sea

Credit cards. They can be tricky. You know how those credit limits just keep going up. Ran mine way up, lost track of it. I ran it up to oh..about…5 or 6 billion dollars. Needless to say I couldn’t pay it, the credit collection agencies got kind of bloodthirsty, then there was this big surprise, […]
Holy Ground

We all know someone like him. Who has everything. Who is gifted. Who has all the advantages. Everything is going for him. A bright future full of promise but who despite it all throws it away. Moses. Moses was a murderer. A life of privilege and miraculous rescue, yet he committed murder. It was an […]
From the Snare

I once rode a bus across the Rift Valley of East Africa. Though, I didn’t get to see much. The bus was literally packed three layers high with occupants. We road from Nairobi to Lake Victoria. By the time we arrived I was in pretty bad shape. It only took about six hours, but it […]
Under the Table

Family gatherings. What do we do with them? I have a large extended family. Most have stuck nearby. No need for reunions. We have several gatherings every year. It is always a chaotic stampede of the old and young, people dropping in and out. One of my favorites was when we had a surprise wedding […]
Living the Dream

This is the story of a family. More specifically it is the story of a family with dark secrets that destroy it. Surprisingly it is also the story of bringing good out of bad. It is a story that shows us something about God and the way of God in a world full of dark […]