Tell Us a Story

Jack Hardaway ] Grandfather! Grandfather! Tell us a story! Tell us a story about Elijah the Tishbite, the prophet of God! Tell us a story! So children, you wish to hear another story about Elijah the Tishbite, the prophet of God do you? Yes, did we not just tell you that very thing? Why do […]

God’s Two Cents

Noise. A noisy loud bombastic world. A wall of sound, a storming, stewing cacophony. And then out of all that something very quiet happens, hardly anyone notices. The widow walks up and puts in her two cents worth, not much, but everything, few notice in all the noise. Let there be Light! Creation begins anew. […]

The Return of Wonder

Science and Theology

I was a strange teenager. Well, all teenagers are unique strange creatures, some more than others. My strangeness came out in studying science and theology, not together, but I studied both separately. Some of my science journals had strong connections to secular humanism and atheism. Some of my favorite people were indifferent or openly hostile […]