Being Born

Epiphany Coming of the Magi

Jack Hardaway ] Being born is a pretty traumatic experience. So I hear. I don’t remember it myself. Though I do remember my three children seemed to find it pretty upsetting. There was this silly movie years ago, Look who’s Talking, where the babies talked, Bruce Willis was the voice over for the main character. […]

Higher and Higher

I have a worm in my ear. It conjures up a gross image. Ear worms. Most of us get them. You know when a song or turn of phrase gets stuck in your head and you sing it over and over? An ear worm. I pretty much always have one, they just sort switch one […]

The Holy World

There are two kinds of stories. One story is that the world is holy. The other is that it is not. Which one do we believe? In one story creation is filled with divine intention and goodness, revealing God. In the other the world is about taking, grasping and clinging to whatever we can get. […]


The stories we learn when we are young have a way of sticking with us. We go back to them. We remember them. We pass them along. They become part of us. To a large extent, we are each a collection of stories all jumbled together. We see the world and move in the world […]

What Connects Us

Ladders are curious things They look funny. They are awkward. We all have funny and sad stories involving incidents and accidents with ladders. Our electricians had to get a special ladder to reach the lights here in the nave. I have to laugh whenever I see them carry it into the building, it takes at […]

Starting Over

Beginnings are always exciting. Well, maybe not always, sometimes they are pretty nerve-wracking, like the birth of a child or a new job. My heart skips a beat just thinking about it! But, often, beginnings are exciting. Like the birth of a child or a new job. Sometimes new beginnings are a chance to start […]