
Jack Hardaway ] Creation. That word requires faith. The Heavens and the Earth, and all the fullness there of, are a decision, an act of will, they are full of intention, and purpose, and direction, and deep, deep goodness. An act of faith on God’s part to make it so. An act of faith on […]

Outward and Visible

Breaking bread

Jack Hardaway ] What is it with Jesus and food? If it involves food then it must be Jesus. No one believes it is really him unless they see him eat. Bread and fish. Jesus has this thing with food. And those closest to him could not recognize him or believe in him with out […]


Jack Hardaway ] That first breath and that last breath. A new born, that first choking indignant intake of breath before that first scream. And then when we breathe our last. Sometimes it stops immediately. Sometimes it slowly fades, getting softer and softer. Breath. Breath is Spirit, and Spirit is life. The life force is […]


Jack Hardaway ] Beginnings and endings. They draw us in and send us forth. “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” That is how Mark’s Gospel begins the proclamation. An allusion to the creation story in Genesis, a Genesis moment, a creation moment. We are drawn in to the […]

See – Easter Sunday

I love going to see. That whole experience of going to see something or someone. Going to see fireworks, the eclipse, a friend, the latest Star Wars movie with the Grace Youth Group. So many favorite moments are just that, going to see. Then there are harder moments of going to see. Someone who I […]

God’s Peace

Washing dishes. A favorite plate, a wedding present, a slip and it falls, in slow motion. When it hits the floor it shatters, one instant it was whole, the next the shards scatter in every direction. Things fall apart. We fall apart. We break. The most precious things go to pieces. Lives. Relationships. Families. Our […]

That Kind of Church

What is precious to us beyond measure?The irony of being human is that what we treasure most we so often take for granted.Is it the Church? Is the Church precious beyond measure?Not the Church as in history and architecture and institution, but Church as in people, the living body of believers who fumble about trying to […]

God’s Stubborness

There is scripture and then there is scripture. There are the words and images that we all share in and then there are the words and images that we have a more personal credence too. Sometimes, often, the two overlap. I have known many people who have what can be called an “expanded Bible” to […]

Too Muchness

Have you ever just been kind of stuck? Like a car sunk in the mud down to its axles, spinning the tires, getting nowhere? Nothing like that aroma of hot steaming mud and burnt tire. Those long dark nights. Lots of work, lots of worry, lots of time poured out and nothing to show for […]

Snarky Angels (Easter

We are forgetful. We forget. That is the beginning of the Easter message. We are told, along with the women disciples, to remember. Well, actually the beginning of the message is a question, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” If you are familiar with Angels, they don’t ask questions, they make […]

Easter Sunday 2018 – Video & Text RISEN What was closed has been opened. What was full has been emptied. What was dark has been filled with light. What had ended has begun. What was a grave has become labor and delivery. What was too little too late has become more than enough all the time. Where there were words there […]