Well Said

Jack Hardaway ] Words. They hold the world together. Words build things. They make things happen. Words also destroy, words inflicted or misspoken or withheld. The Word that creates…everything. The Word that holds all things together, that connects everything, that relates everything to everything else. The hidden, silent, whispered Word that is always speaking this […]

The Dangerous Game

On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me…eleven pipers piping… That is today, the eleventh day, eleven pipers piping. Jeff Foxworthy did his own 12 days of Christmas song years ago with 11 wraslin tickets, a fun song. Tomorrow is the Epiphany, the 12th and last day of Christmas, 12 drummers […]

A Sight Not To See

The circus comes to town! But no one notices… They parade down the street, Elephants striding, Tigers growling, Lions leaping, clowns clapping, the trapeze artists trapezing, the music bombasting, the greatest show a-showing, and no one sees…walking by, stepping around, driving away. It was such a sight not to see. They set up the Giant […]

The Big Tent

The circus comes to town! But no one notices… They parade down the street, Elephants striding, Tigers growling, Lions leaping, clowns clapping, the trapeze artists flipping, the music bombasting, the greatest show ashowing, and no one sees…walking by, stepping around, driving away. It was such a sight not to see. They set up the Giant […]

Who, Me? (Christmas Eve)

Well surprise, surprise, surprise! Whenever I read the Christmas story from the Gospel According to Luke I think of Gomer Pyle from the old Andy Griffith show saying, “Surprise, surprise, surprise! How is God experienced? What is the God of Christmas like? Surprise, surprise, surprise! The God of Christmas is a surprise to a cynical, […]