The Righteous Ones

All Saints

Jack Hardaway ] The Lord is glorious in his saints. And the lives of the saints are the stories that hold the world together. God’s glory shines through people, and that glory is life itself. There are ancient legends. Maybe even myths. About the righteous ones, a group of people, sometimes there are 36, sometimes […]

Children of the Resurrection

All Saints

Jack Hardaway ] We are forgetful. We forget who we are. We forget one another. We are all eventually forgotten, our memory endures for a time among the living, perhaps our name remains behind written somewhere for future generations to wonder who we were. We are forgetful. We will be forgotten. But God remembers. That […]

Like Trees Planted

All Saints Day

Jack Hardaway “They are like trees planted by streams of water, bearing fruit in due season, with leaves that do not wither;” That is from Psalm 1, verse 3, it is about the righteous. They are like trees, thriving with the stuff of life, the sound of leaves and water, and wind, the scent of […]

Lights in the Dark

Lights in the Dark

I run in the dark. Most mornings, early, I’m out running the streets. It is very dark. The promise of sunrise is just hinting on the horizon when I get back home. Sometimes there are stars and moonlight. Sometimes there is the hazy glow of light pollution. Running in the dark can be tricky. I […]