AIM—Accept, Inspire, and Minister

GEC has been a long-time supporter of AIM and its various ministries.  AIM is an efficient non-profit organization that meets the needs of under-resourced individuals and families in Anderson County. AIM (originally called Anderson Interfaith Ministries) was founded by churches to eliminate the duplication of assistance to those in need. For almost three decades, AIM has stabilized the community and continued to do so using its hand up, not hand out, philosophy. AIM is well known in the Upstate for giving hope and changing lives and continues to do so with unparalleled levels of energy, efficiency, and reliability. GEC specifically supports AIM’s Women and Children Succeeding program by sponsoring a table at their annual event (Hats Off to Women).  We also assisted with AIM’s summer lunch program by distributing lunches and books to the children in our neighborhood. Finally, we collect gifts and gift cards to be distributed to AIM’s Christmas Families.