The mission of Anderson’s Emergency Soup Kitchen (AEK) is to address hunger. It is a weekday (M-F) feeding program that provides a hot nutritional meal to all in need who come through our doors. The AEK strategy is to provide one hot nutritional meal to anyone who comes through our door five days a week. Many of those may not be able to get even one meal a day, and others are pressed to be food secure without these meals. GEC provides funding for the Soup Kitchen through our annual Soup Luncheon totally run by parishioners, from purchase of materials, to preparation of the food, to serving the community. This past year, our Soup Luncheon contributed more than $4000 to the Soup Kitchen. Another major funding source has been the annual GEC BBQ, again totally run by parishioners. This year, more than $10,600 was raised by the BBQ, with funds divided between the Soup Kitchen and the Champions Center for Special Children.