Celebrating Earth Day – Everyday
Today, April 22 a day designated as Earth Day to bring attention and awareness of the need to take care of this gift of God’s Creation-the Environment. I remember being in junior high school when this designation of Earth Day began. I am also reminded of a hymn that was adopted as The Episcopal Conference Center Hymn in the Diocese of Rhode Island, where I worked for several years- Let all things now living. The words are below and there are several vocal renditions on youtube. May the words remind us of the wonderful creation all around us and how we are connected to this wonderful gift from God and to do our part in caring for and protecting it.
Hymn: Let all things now living
Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving
To God the creator triumphantly raise.
Who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us,
Who still guides us on to the end of our days.
His banners are o’er us, His light goes before us,
A pillar of fire shining forth in the night.
Till shadows have vanished and darkness is banished
As forward we travel from light into light.
His law he enforces, the stars in their courses
And sun in its orbit obediently shine;
The hills and the mountains, the rivers and fountains,
The deeps of the ocean proclaim him divine.
We too should be voicing our love and rejoicing;
With glad adoration a song let us raise
Till all things now living unite in thanksgiving:
“To God in the highest, Hosanna and praise!” Amen.
Words: Katherine K. Davis
Music: Ash Grove