Grace Church

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, some people say that the glass is half empty.

Others say that the glass is half full.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, this is not so, they are both wrong.

We are here tonight because the cup runneth over!


There is much more going on here than turkey and gravy.

There is much more going on here than a national holiday, more than Pilgrims and Native Americans, more than a harvest festival, though all these are good, they point us to something more, they are signs, evidence, clues that point us beyond.


This is about seeing the triune God.

A life of thanksgiving is the window through which we see God, the brimming over triune fullness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit eternally spilling over in love and thanksgiving for each other.

The cup of God runneth over, and out of the overflowing triune fullness of God creation is made and sustained, all life finds its source and solace in the great thanksgiving of God.


This is about seeing God.

This is about living lives of thankfulness.

It is not about feeling thankful, it is about doing and being thankful.

To participate in the great thanksgiving of God is to live a life of generosity and blessing for others, to live a life that is an offering and a blessing for others.

We are here to celebrate the Great Thanksgiving for the sacrifice of God’s Son so that we might have life, that we might join with the eternal thanksgiving that is God, in whom we live and move and have our being.

That is feast that we keep this week.


There is much more going on here than turkey and gravy.

There is much more going on here than a national holiday, more than Pilgrims and Native Americans, more than a harvest festival, though all these are good, they point us to something more, they are signs, evidence, clues that point us beyond.


This is about seeing the triune God.


A life of thanksgiving is the window through which we see God.


Brother’s and sister’s in Christ, the cup runneth over!