–EYC Family Night at Big Air Saturday, September 21st at 5 p.m.
-This Sunday we have Morning Prayer with Melissa Langford our Seminarian will be preaching.
-The New Grace Website is now up and Live! The address is gracechurchanderson.com and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions for the webpage send them to the Communications Committee at mike.digby@bellsouth.net.
-Hi all! In order to better serve you during coffee hour and other Grace events the Grace Life committee has created a form for those with allergies to complete. Individual allergies will remain anonymous but will be generally listed in the kitchen. The purpose of this list is not to exclude certain food items, but just to ensure foods are labeled if they include food items from the Parish allergy list. Please complete the form if you would like to share your allergy information.
Thank you,
Kirri Kinley and the Grace Life Committee”