In the Air

Jack Hardaway

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.

The wind.
It changes.
Sometimes we can feel change coming, the wind changes, a fresh breeze, a new scent in the air.

Wait for it.
The wind.
In silence wait for the change, a new season, a new heart, a new direction, a new purpose.

Sometimes it feels like nothing ever changes. The air grows thick and stagnant.
It is deceptive.
It isn’t that change is possible, it’s that change is inevitable.

The wind whispers, and then it blows in a torrent, that we can begin again.

Change is in the air in the readings today.
I have some brief reflections.
Jonah, everyone changes, Jonah’s heart changes, the people of Nineveh change and repent, God’s mind is changed.

Just after this Jonah is infuriated that Nineveh, who had done some truly horrible things, are allowed to continue to exist, and that Jonah has to share God with them. Jonah had to share God in common with the people who truly disgusted him.

The psalm says to wait in silence for God, in a world full of noise and power, be silent and wait for the one is greater still, change, become the ones who wait upon God, who attend.

Paul in his first letter to Corinth, says the world we know is passing away, hold on loosely to the things that we cling to, be detached but not indifferent, learn that love is not control.

And God casts a net and catches the disciples, calling them to cast God’s net as well, to rescue and pull those trapped and mired in a stormy sea that ship wrecks us all in a land of slavery. Pull people from the waters, set them free to love.

Jesus walks down the beach and compels and lures the disciples with a vision of God that sets the captives free. Change your purpose he proclaims, repent, trust in the news that God is Good, that God’s kingdom is blowing in, trust in that good news.
What is God is like and what happens when God’s breathe stirs the air?
Letting go.
Unlikely company.
Pulling in the stranded,
Setting free the captives.
A net has been cast, catching us, capturing the world, and pulling at our hearts.
The wind is changing.
Can you feel it?
A fresh breeze.
Be that breath of fresh air.
Jesus has captured us.