Believing What We Live

Jack Hardaway

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.

Jack Hardaway
How we live tells us what we really believe.

God gives water to the thirsty. God is water to the thirsty.
That is the Exodus lesson.
Jesus says whoever gives water to the least of these gives water to him.
It becomes an act of worship and devotion, a sacrament.
What does it mean to believe that? What kind of life believes that?
St Francis lived a life like that.
He gave water to the thirsty, water to the sick and the unclean, without hesitation or excuse.

St Francis feast day is Wednesday of this week, October 4th.
We talk about Francis this week, about how he believed by how he lived.

The readings today are all perfect for that.
The Philippians lesson speaks about how we live with humility, joy and love because Jesus emptied himself in deep humility.
Francis lived this belief by caring for lepers, and by refusing to judge anyone, he wasn’t qualified to judge. His life was judgment enough.

And the Gospel lesson, being doers of the word rather than hearers, what we do really shows what we believe, not what we say. And in the same way Jesus’ life reveals what authority he lives with, the authority to love and forgive, the authority of God.

And Francis again reveals the authority of Jesus by how he lived, welcoming all creation and seeing himself as part of that creation, all praising God together.

So we bless animals today. They praise God by simply being the creatures of God.
And we are reminded to pay attention to what we really believe by how we live, and Francis reminds us how to do that.

With, humility, simplicity, love and joy.
Pouring ourselves out for those who thirst.
God is like that.
Believe that.
Live that.