The Victory of God

Jack Hardaway

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.

Jack Hardaway
There are days. And then there are days.
Days of Ascension, transcendence, rising, floating, going up with a shout of victory.
Like the mass ascension at a hot air balloon festival, the colorful canvass filling the sky, rising, carried by the wind, like God’s sail lifting and pulling.
Our eyes are turned upward. No longer down cast, but looking up.
Our countenance rises.

Days like that.
The victory of God.
The ascension of Jesus.

The world would have us be down cast.
God lifts our countenance, standing straight, stretching upward, our gaze is lifted.

The Gospel.
God is lifting the fallen eyes of the world.

What casts us down?
What lifts us up?
The victory of God.
The Ascension of Jesus.

The disciples worshiped him, returned with great joy, and blessed God continually. That is how Luke’s Gospel ends.
With joy, and worship, and blessing, looking ahead to the gift of the Holy Spirit, the power and the life of God pouring and flooding into the world.

There are days and then there are days.
Days to celebrate, festivals, like today, where our countenance is lifted.

God is lifting the downward gaze of the world.
Behold, be lifted.