The Hospitality of Sarah and Abraham

Jack Hardaway

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.

It is all in the details.
So much of life is found in the details.
It is easy to get lost in the details, overwhelmed in the details.
But it is in the details that life either flourishes or flounders.

Being ready. Preparation. Having a heart, and a mind that are ready, that are prepared.
Having a home that is ready, that is prepared.
Sarah and Abraham.
We’ve all met people like them.
The whole world is their living room. Everyone they meet is their honored guest. They go out of their way, for everyone.
Abraham even argues with God on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah, a deeply violent and inhospitable people, Abraham intercedes, he does the detail work of intercession, and God relents… for a time.

The hospitality of Sarah and Abraham, we hear their story today.
In the heat of the day, by that old oak tree, Abraham gazes out into the world, into their vast living room.
And three men walk up, three mysterious strangers, who turn out to be angels, who turn out to be the Lord. There is a dream like quality to the encounter of entertaining angels unawares.
The Details.
Abraham runs out to them. He bows. He invites. Water to wash feet, a shady place to sit and rest. Sarah makes cakes from three measures of choice flour. Curds, milk, a tender young calf prepared just for the surprise, yet long awaited, guests.
The Details. Preparation. Hearts, minds and house all ready, expectant.

It is also a story of barrenness that becomes fruitfulness, of dead ends becoming new beginnings, a story of big surprises and laughter, counting all the stars in the sky, literally expecting a child that will be named Laughter.
Sarah and Abraham tending to the details, the specifics of holiness reenchanting a dim world.
The specifics of holiness reenchanting a dim world.

It is also a story of contrast, part of a multi-episode series. The three mysteries strangers, who turn out to be angels, who turn out to be the Lord, they walk on down the road where they have another encounter, they are assaulted, almost raped, until they are rescued by Lot, Abraham’s nephew.

The details of hospitality and the details of hostility.
The details of welcome and the details of preying on the vulnerable.
The details of honoring our guest and the details of mocking their frailty.
One story ends with the details of all the stars in the sky, and the other story ends with the details of fire and sulfur raining down from the sky.
A story of blessing, and a story of judgement.
The story of a people, a nation, beginning and a story of a people, a nation, coming to an end.

At the end of the story, we have a choice.
A choice in details.
Details determine the outcome of the nation.
The details where all are welcome or the details where the vulnerable are preyed upon.
Do we tend to the detail work of Justice, preparing our hearts, our minds, our homes, our community to go out of the way for each other, the details of being a good hostess and host?
Or do we tend to the details of the predator who waits for the opportune moment. Do we let the predators hold us hostage? Do we let the predators have their way?

Details determine the outcome of the nation.
Blessing or judgement.
All the stars in the sky, or sulfur and fire raining down from the sky.

Sarah and Abraham.
We’ve all met people like them.
The whole world is their living room. Everyone they meet is their honored guest. They go out of their way, for everyone.
Abraham even argues with God on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah, a deeply violent and inhospitable people, Abraham intercedes, he does the detail work of intercession, and God relents… for a time.

The hospitality of Sarah and Abraham, we hear their story today.
It is our story.
It is all there in the details.
The specifics of holiness reenchanting a dim world.
It is all in the details. God is found in the details.