Jack in the Pulpit

A different summer this year. Online Sunday school, emailed Sunday School lessons and online Youth Group will be continuing all summer. Online Sunday Morning Prayer continues until further notice. We now have the requirements from the diocesan taskforce for the opening up of in person liturgies. When the percentage of infections drop for fourteen consecutive days, we can resume Sunday Eucharists, though with only a total of ten people in the nave of the church. That includes myself and Jerrad, so only eight people, four per side.

We hope to have a better video system in place soon that will allow us to have small in person liturgies, and stream it live online at the same time, and have additional seating, and video screens in the parlor and parish hall. The diocesan requirements for the multi-phase opening process are available on the Diocesan website if you would like to read them. They are involved, and still in process for the later phases. So, for now, we need to assemble a team to get things ready for the eventual phased opening of public liturgies. It will take some doing (including increasing ventilation and filtration!). Please be eager to lend a hand! In the meantime, things continue, Church continues, faith, hope and love continue.

Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”  Romans 5:3-5

Tis the season of the Spirit. Grace abounds! Lift up your hearts!

Fr. Jack