Hey all,

As we settle down to these new patterns for the long-haul I plan on sending a weekly note. This is a funny thing that I thought I would never ever say, so here it goes…please stay away from Church! (I can hear grandmother, “Bite your tongue!”) The office is closed. Until a Shelter in Place Order is given the staff and I will be onsite, and in and out a good bit, observing strict social distancing. Don’t visit. Stay home. Keep and honor the fast that we are all learning to honor.

The online liturgies continue to get more refined, and the sound should be even better this coming Sunday. Thank you, John Woodson, for the expertise, and to Jerrad Fenske for the beautiful music! I watched myself for a few minutes on the play back…a painful thing to see ourselves as others see us!

The vestry would like to remind everyone who is able to give to please continue to do so, our offerings can be mailed in, most banks have an online payment option, and the vestry is looking into additional online giving options.

As we fast from the sacraments with each other this is an opportunity to not only look forward to the return of shared communion, but to also grow more deeply in the ministry of the Word which nurtures our communion with God just as vitally as the sacraments. The Morning Prayer liturgies of our Prayer Book, as well as the several other daily prayer options all center around the reading of scripture and prayer. Consider the simplicity of the Daily Devotion liturgies on pages 136-140.

The daily lectionary for today, for example, is found on page 955 of the Prayer Book, Monday in Week of 4 Lent. Psalm 89 speaks of God calming the storms. I Corinthians 10 speaks of the witness of putting others first, as an example of the deep courtesy of God made visible in Christ. God is most courteous. Good readings to inwardly digest as the storms rage without and within.

Keep Calm and Carry on!

Lift up your Hearts!

Fr. Jack