Celebrating All the Good News

Hey all,

When life gets crazy, when the world gets crazy, and we start to forget who we are, how do we remember? What do we fall back to? What is our reboot?

For me I fall back to a 2nd century theologian, Irenaeus of Lyon, and his idea that when we behold God, we become alive. The vision of God is life itself; it is the enlivening force that holds all things together and fills all things with vitality, all creation beholds and comes alive. And Jesus is the fullness of the image of God, the glory of God is this living man, the fullness that to behold makes everything and everyone alive like never before. The more clearly we see Jesus the more alive we are.

I fall back to the vision of God. That is where it all starts, where it all comes together.
The Church sometimes forgets this, it is easy to get busy and preoccupied by whatever the latest thing is that wants to devour our attention. Some churches lose the vision, and merely become an institution set on survival, rather than the glory of God blazing into the world.

Grace Church has an enduring and growing liveliness that comes from beholding God, and letting the other things go. Grace Church brings life to so many people, to the community, to the world. Rather than just more angry religious people, Grace has a vision of God that is…graceful.

2019 was a great year. 2020 is looking to be even better.
We are looking at a 2019 surplus of $8,200. The 2020 pledge drive had 128 pledges, compared to 115 for 2019. The 2020 pledges add up to $371,477, compared to $308,758 for 2019. There were 64 increased pledges, and 25 new pledges. That is a 20% increase in amount pledged, which pretty much never happens. Well done, and thank you!
Sunday average attendance in 2019 was 164, up from 157 in 2018. The 8:00 average grew from 37 to 38, and the 10:30 average grew from 120 to 123. Modest growth in the right direction.

We are now able to afford a new full-time staff position for children and youth ministry. And just a few days ago I hired Taylor Gibby to take on that ministry. It is an exciting time. She begins on February 1st. This also means that Lyn Merchant retires at the end of this month, giving 13 years to the formation of our young. Please thank her.

We have four great vestry members retiring from the vestry today, Patty Cleveland, Louis LeBrun, Masters Campbell and Elliot Holman. Please thank them.

This next year we will be continuing the next steps in updating and repairing the parish property, the Good Shepherd loan is now only two years away from being paid off. So far it looks like we will be focusing largely on restoring the pews, and updating the parish hall and kitchen, maybe even building a porch connecting the parish hall to the playground. So be ready!
Today is the feast of the Baptism of our Lord. This is my favorite day to have the annual parish meeting, we see the glorious love of God descending like a dove, and we renew our own baptismal vows as we head into another year.

Keep celebrating all the good news! Behold the glory of God, and become alive like never before!


Fr. Jack