The Rise of Forgiveness

Jack Hardaway

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.

I have no idea what I’m talking about.
Forgiveness. I know so little about it. I’ve had to give so little of it. Only little things really.
That seems to be about all I can handle.

There is the absolution of sins that priests are always busy working with and casting forth like a sower casting seed. That’s a God thing.

But putting it into practice. My experience is limited.

Now my need to be forgiven… that is a different story. I’m a certified expert on that one. I have received so much more forgiveness than I have ever given. I am more of a taker than a giver.

Jesus appears.
See, touch, watch him eat.
Believe that he is really and truly alive.
And the consequence? The mission?

Walk the road of repentance and find forgiveness. The giving and the receiving. The whole God thing.

Do not underestimate the power of forgiveness. What it brings is freedom.
And freedom changes everything. It can’t be controlled.

Do we truly want to know what freedom is?
Then we have to walk that road of repentance and live with the power of forgiveness.

What does forgiveness look like? What does freedom look like?
It looks like the surprise of a dead man living and announcing peace be with you.

It looks like the wounds on hands and feet that have become the signs that inspire belief in the power of life to rise from what kills us.

Last week in John’s Gospel we heard of Jesus appearing and showing his wounds that the disciples and especially Thomas may believe in him. The power of belief, of believing together.

Today in Luke we see Jesus appearing and showing his wounds and eating broiled fish that we may discover the power of forgiveness and carry that power into the world as witnesses.

The road to freedom is the road to forgiveness and it begins with the wounded body of Jesus that lives. Like that old hymn, “Would you be free from the burden of Sin? There’s power in the blood, power in the blood.”

Forgiveness has risen from the grave.
Would we be free?
Will we walk that road of repentance and stand in that life-giving flow?
Our actions are determined by this power, not by what others say or do, but rather from this power rising from the grave.

It is a great adventure.
Going forth to discover that power and to be a witness of that power at the same time that others may be free as well.

The world is in desperate need of forgiveness.
There is so much anger and resentment.
So many enslaved to bitterness and scorn. Including me.
Our fear is that forgiveness only encourages destructive and abusive behavior, enabling an addiction.
And that does seem to be true.
But enabling an addiction is a kind of slavery.
Forgiveness is something else, it brings freedom.
Enabling enslaves.
Forgiveness frees.
And that freedom has risen into the world.
How do we recognize the difference? The difference between enabling and forgiveness?
By that surprise of life and peace where there was only death, like when Jesus walks back into the disciples’ lives today.
Forgiveness takes our wounds and turns them into the power of God walking into the world.
We are witnesses to that Risen Lord who frees us from what enslaves.

Rising from the bitterness and burden of death.
Be witnesses of forgiveness.
I still have no idea what I’m talking about.
But there is nothing better to do.
See, touch, watch the rise of forgiveness and be set free.