There is religion that is poison.
Then there is faith that is medicine.
There is finding God useful to control and condemn others.
Then there is the praise of God because God is God and we are not.
There is gathering the people under the banner of fear and hate.
Then there is the body of Christ with its wild diversity of members and gifts and fruit.
There is the cultivation of indignation.
Then there are the hearts that run over with thanksgiving.
There is the spreading infection of violent words, violent thoughts and violent actions.
Then there is the generous hospitality that is contagious.
There is judgment that punishes.
Then there is judgment that restores.
There are those who thrive like parasites on hurting others.
Then there are those who ease the burden.
There are those who search for someone to crucify.
Then there is the crucified one, who is risen, who is Lord.
There are two visions of God in the world.
There are two understandings of faith in the world.
There are two kinds of Christians in the world.
The Gospel is that Faith heals, that faith is found in strangers and outsiders, that faith fills us with praise and thanks.
The powerful scripture lessons today show us these things.
They bear witness to a vision of God that embraces the world, that Jesus is the fullness of God’s faith, the fullness of God’s embrace, the fullness of God’s heart overflowing with thanks and praise.
That is the vision of God here at Grace Church.
The Gospel that really is Gospel, good news that really is good news.
The Ministry of Word and Sacrament here at Grace Church reveal and celebrate this good news mystery that Jesus is God’s embrace of the world.
We begin a season of thanksgiving today, some people may call it the “pledge drive”, but that misses the point.
Stewardship is the ministry of thanksgiving. How many ways can we tell God thank you for the faith that saves rather than the faith that ruins?
May our hearts overflow with that faith with that thanksgiving.
Grace Church is alive and flourishing with the good news.
There are many ministries that give thanks, many hearts that overflow with thanksgiving.
There are two things that we are being called to dream of and act upon.
It is time for another staff position that focuses primarily on ministry with our middle and high school students, the need is immediate, it’s what happens when there are so many children, they have a habit of growing up. Our first planning meeting is today.
Our other even greater need which is just as immediate, but more long term, is the need for more room to worship God together. The dynamics of this beautiful worship space are topped off. We are done growing as a Church until this is addressed. It is time to do some serious planning on how to make room, it is what true faith does, it makes room.
These are where our enduring attention is needed, and we need leaders who will see to this in order for all the ministries of the parish to continue to be truly faith-filled.
I am blessed to serve God here with you, I am constantly humbled by your witness. These are wonderful challenges. There are so many ways to give God thanks.
The world desperately needs the witness of faith that is Grace Church. Dig deep into your dreams. Dig deep into your prayers. Dig deep into your pockets.
May our faith be deep like a river, may our hearts run over with thanks and praise.