The Hidden Sacrament

When I was a child I began my lifetime habit of getting things wrong. When I was learning about how we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, I wanted to know why don’t we run out of oxygen? I was told that plants turn the CO2 back into breathable oxygen. So I thought […]
Grab Your Cross

The Rev. John C. Bethell Grace Church – Anderson I speak to you in the name of God, the most compassionate, the ever merciful. Amen. Today’s gospel lesson makes a little more sense if we put it within its own context. In the last chapter, Jesus has come up against his own people on […]
Walking with God

Walking with God. It carries so many understandings. A companion in a time of trouble -giving comfort, and support. Or following in a certain pattern of living. Or following in a particular way or path, discerning a call, vocation. Today we see an image of walking with God as lover, of being in love with […]

What do you think of when you think about communion? What picture comes to mind? The last supper of Jesus with the disciples being told to remember as the cross rapidly approaches? The altar rail here at Grace? The table of fellowship? What comes to mind? Comfort, hope, strength, love, sacrifice? For the Gospels according […]
Wishfull Thinking

If you could wish for anything you wanted what would it be? What would you wish for? There are all sorts of stories in folk lore about being granted a wish, and the unexpected consequences, stories about the djinni in the bottle, or a leprechaun, or the monkeys paw, or the stories of the devil’s […]
The Life of the World

A world, a universe that overflows, dripping and flooding with God’s glory, the radiant light that fills all things with life. Is that how we understand the Universe? We all live in our own little bubbles of how we see the world. Do we see a vision of God as we live our days? I […]