Grace Church

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.

The 20th of July 1915 -dash- the 11th of November 2006.

A birth, a death, and between a whole life signified by that little line , a dash between two dates.

There are so many chapters in a life like Helena’s, in any of our lives really. The chapters of the outer life, and the chapters of the inner life, the chapters of the heart, of the soul. The chapters that everyone knows and the chapters that few know, the chapters that God knows better than we know ourselves.

Then there is the last chapter.

The last chapter of our lives is always written by others, ultimately written by God.

When a life ends, it doesn’t end, there is always a remainder, a reminder, a legacy, the last chapter.

We are writing it now for Helena, we are part of her life.

Now it is morbid to only remember, to only eulogize, without lifting up, with out offering up, without thanking God for her life, and entrusting her living and dieing to our Lord.

Because in remembering, especially with a life like Helena’s, we are reminded to entrust our own living and dieing to the One who can be trusted.

Because when the last chapter of a life is finished, the last line is that this book is not closed, it is not finished, this book will be opened again and the next chapter will begin.

In remembering we are reminded to celebrate the hope of the Resurrection of Christ, in whom all the books of history will be reopened, set right, healed, and lived anew.

Now we share some memories, all who would care to say a few words about Helena are invited to come speak from the pulpit.