Grace Church

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.

“And I will raise them up on the last day.”

Imagine all the lives that go through a church over the years, the decades, the centuries. Imagine all the lives that go through a playground.

The play ground changes, gets old, gets fixed up, gets old… on and on. But that one spot of land is set apart and hallowed for children and their children and their grand children.

All those lives growing up and passing it along then passing away.

The dance of the generations, a docee do, a two step, passing on down the line.

A gift to the generations who all rise up on the last day.


We are all children on God’s playground, growing up, living the Gospel and proclaiming the gospel to the next generation, stewards of a living legacy, a legacy of love, passing it along, a blessing for the people who come after us.

A playground.

Imagine all the lives that go through a playground, all those lives rising up on the last day, the generations reunited on God’s play ground.

Red rover, red rover send Sally Rose right over. Red rover, red rover send Ned Powell right over. Red rover, red rover send Ren Thompson right over.

Tag, you’re it.