Acolyte Training Review

Grace Church

“Father Jack”, as he is affectionately known, has served the parishioners of Grace Episcopal Church as their rector since 2004.

Crucifer will be responsible for lighting and extinguishing the candles. Candles should be lit by 10:15 am (or 15 min. before the start of any service).


All Acolytes will line up for the processional in the Cloister area and move into the Narthex when the Priest is ready to begin the service.


No Acolytes should leave the church during the service unless they are ill. Get water; use the restroom etc. before lining up for the service.


Use the prayer books and hymnals for all parts of the service. The congregation is watching.


If acolytes are unsure about when to sit or stand during the service, watch the choir and do what they do.


Be reverent at all times. Sit up straight in your seat, do not sit leaning over with your elbows on your knees. Do not stare out into the congregation.


The Crucifer will receive the offering plates from the ushers; turn and stand in the center of the altar holding the offering plates at chest level as the Priest also holds up the bread and wine. Offering plates should not be held as high as the bread and wine. Offering plates should be placed on organ or credence table. At the appropriate time, the server should move to the credence table to assist the Priest with bread, wine, water, hand washing etc. Any adult chalice bearer who is already in the altar area should not assist the Priest with these duties.


The server must be available during communion to assist the Priest by staying at the credence table.


As soon as the Gospel hymn begins, torchbearers should move to get the torches. The torchbearer who gets the torch closest to the window should walk behind (the readers’ side) the lectern to pick up the torch. Holding the torches, stand on the wood floor, on either side of the opening of the altar rail and face the altar. At the same time, the Book Bearer should move to get the Gospel Book, holding it at chest level and facing the altar. The Priest will indicate when it is time to move down the aisle (6 rows out into the congregation) with the torchbearers leading the book bearer.


Torchbearers and Crucifer should follow this same procedure in getting the torches and cross at the beginning of the final hymn. At this point in the service the cross will go ahead of the torches to leave the church.


Torchbearers must be very careful at all times so that the flame of the torch does not get close to anyone’s hair or clothing.


All acolytes must be vested and in the Cloister 15 min. before the service begins.


All acolytes are responsible for securely hanging their robes on a hanger after taking them off. Older, taller acolytes should help younger, shorter acolytes with this task. Acolytes robes should never be found on the floor of the vesting room.